art direction for street food festival
Us? we go back. way back to 2017. You may be surprised to hear i love street food and festivals. since we started working together, they always have a clear vision as to what direction each year should look like. for example, 2024 was a.i. and 3d characters, not unlike orange's old ads or ai generative images. I just started learning blender so it was perfect in timing and theme. cornel aka nacho is born. fiy the mouth and eyes are about 10cm away from its silly little face.

art direction for street food festival 2022, all vector drawing, full color, eyes bleeding, borderline incoherent, made it as cartoony as humanly possible, simple joyful and easy to render at any scale.
eyes teared when i saw it on 7 storey parking ad.

oh hi there 2020, i think it's gonna be a fantastic year for festivals.
here, in my inorganic-smoothvector-softcolored-photocollage phase, with yummy yay as copy. by this point, everything was video - facebook covers, events, posts; so my focus was on making simple grainy videos with my kick-ass assets.
the event got pushed to 2021 when they actually used this key visual and video.

the year is 2018. i don't even care about a key visual, a wanna make a video so fun, so deliciously textured and simple, it's gonna be enough. i'm just gonna start cropping and cutting these pics i got from the client and just paralax the ever living sh
hi, i'm paul. i graphic design and draw.

a festival on a street near you, FOOD!